Sunday, February 11, 2007

“GOD’s Children or Animals of Evolution”

“GOD’s Children or Animals of Evolution” What do you believe?

For centuries humans have been debating where they came from. The primitive humans of course believe and judge by appearance while the smart ones do their research. For over 100 years we have heard of theories of Darwin which the mass accept, but what does the Bible say that has been here over millennia?

Let us go back to the begin of time when man was in direct contact with GOD. According to: Genesis1:26-27 “Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” As you can see GOD created man in the image of GOD.

Let us look now at the Bible more in detail now: Genesis 2:7 “then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” As you can see GOD formed man of dust from the ground. Very plainly written!

According to Genesis 2:18 we know that man was first created now let us hear the creation of our first woman: Genesis 2:21-23So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” As you can plainly see the first woman was created from Adams rib and not a monkey or alien or whatever! You have the Biblical proof before your very eyes!

Regarding the appearance of black and yellow people the Bible does not show and tell us why GOD created some of us white, black or yellow that is something reserved for the future by GOD and does not consider it important. We should not judge people by appearance but by “character” instead we should focus on who is “good” or “evil”. Unfortunately we have seen that the majority of humankind judge by appearance and that certain people are color centric rather than character centric.

GOD say’s not to judge by appearance but see what truly lies within a person’s heart. If you look at humans three races: white, black and yellow (Asian) you will notice that whites may be the minority of the planet but they are the highest percentage that are Christian and truly blessed in many ways! Let me explain this before some people misinterpret this the wrong way. White people account around 21% of the human race; pure black people are above them while brown people are under the Asian (yellow) race for the highest percentage.

White people are blessed first because they are highest Christian percentage. Secondly their appearance is also very blessed because they have variety of colors, for example: They have blonde, red, light brown and black hair and their eye color is also in varieties. They have straight and curly hair. Thirdly, I have noticed that white people control most of the earth’s land and have helped many people around the world that are not Christian compared to the Non-Christians. If you look at the world you will mainly see that black and yellow people also run to the white man when they are in trouble. How many people do you actually see run to Yemen, China or Sudan?

I myself am of African decent born in America and am not ashamed of what I look like or where I came from; but I do not appreciate when people make fun of me because of the way I look or the way some of my brothers behave. For example one of iPods commercials has black people dancing as if they were like monkeys and I do not appreciate that, but then again some people are so stupid that they will do anything for money.

Black people may not be blessed as much as white people but we are still GOD’s children and we are the 2nd highest when it comes to Christianity in belief. The one thing I will admit sadly about my people is that black people are very jealous and have a short temper and I ask them to over come this because it is not godly. GOD wants us to help us one another and not tare down one another. Secondly black people have the 2nd highest control of land mass. Lastly we are also rich in natural resources.

Asian (yellow) people are blessed in a multitude of people and are very blessed in technology. They may be the least Christian which is very sad and most pagan or atheistic in belief, but GOD will help them come to the truth one day.

Coming back to my main point! Sure we may not look alike. Some people may believe that black people come from monkeys, Asians from aliens and white people from ghosts; but that’s ridiculous all in the end. GOD created us the way we are and we have to remember that our physical appearance is not important; it’s the spiritual appearance that is permanent and far different from our physical appearance.

I ask you now what do you believe? Do you really believe that we are the animals of evolution or GOD’s children?

Professor Jeffrey H. Cain